• What is a “Leverless Tire machine”?
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    What is a “Leverless Tire machine”?

    A “lever-less tire machine” (LTM) is the best way to have your tires dismounted or mounted on your wheels. LTM uses a different technology to break the bead and dismount the tire from your fancy wheels without scratching the surface of the rim or tearing the tire. I will try to explain why this is

  • Hunter Road Force Balancing!
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    Hunter Road Force Balancing!

    Wheel Tech is now the proud owner of a State-of-the-art Hunter Road Force Balancer. Those of us who know what a Road Force Balancer is, know that there really is no comparison with a standard balancer. For those of you who do not know what a Hunter Road Force balancer is please read on and

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    Wheel Widening Resource

    If you are in the market to either widen or narrow your alloy wheels then check out this place: Weldcraft Wheels A few of our customers have sent out their wheels to be widened by these guys and are very happy with the results!

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